Industrial Grade Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Powder

Industrial Grade Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Powder1. SpecificationCalcium chloride is a chemical compound of calcium and chlorine. It is a calcium salt traditionally used in the food industry in cheese making. Used in many applications: anti-caking agent, antimicrobial agent, pickling agent, firming agent, flavor enhancer, humectant, pH control agent, stabilizer, thickener and texturizer. It is highly soluble in water. It is a salt that is solid at room temperature, and it behaves as a typical ionic halide. It has several common applications such as brine for refrigeration plants, ice and dust control on roads, and in cement. It can be produced directly from limestone, but large amounts are also produced as a by-product of the Solvay process. Because of its hygroscopic nature, it must be kept in tightly-sealed containers.Used in conjunction with sodium alginate when making spheres, calcium chloride is used to set sodium alginate solutions resulting in spheres that gel on the outside and remain liquid in the center. It is an ideal reactant for its high water solubility and high calcium content.2. Application1) Oil and gas well fluids – to boost the efficiency of drilling and the completion of wells.2) Deicing agents (deicers/snow melting agent) – for sidewalk, parking lot, airport and road treatments3) Road stabilization and dust control4) Accelerators in concrete – to increase curing speed5) Industrial processing – as additives in plastics, for calcium salt production, drainage aids for wastewater treatment, etc.

  • Keywords : Industrial Grade Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Powder,Calcium Chloride Anhydrous
  • Category : Agriculture >> Agricultural & Gardening Tools
  • Country : China
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 1-2
  • Unit price : 3
  • Negotiable : 1
  • Payment Type : USD
  • Supplying Ability : 100032
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