Company Description
VIPRI DYES & INTERMEDIATES, the company was started in 1987. Company is headed by Mr. Yagnesh Parikh, himself a science graduate. He is
VIPRI DYES & INTERMEDIATESll versed with Dyes & Dyes Intermediates industry and is having 25 years of international experience.
During last several years the company has witnessed very rapid growth & turnover in domestic & International markets. Company enjoys good reputation as reliable trade partner for the quality products,boosting the export market successfully. This has resulted in company being able to add new markets to our existing markets globally.
On the way company had to face many challenges in accomplishing the growth and convert the challenges into opportunity, achievement by enterprising and well-planned action. Having developed manifold increase the company has successfully tied up manufacturing on exclusive bases with various manufacturers with quality control of international standards.
A group of highly qualified and experienced technologists & chemist at the plant and quality control laboratory are behind approval of every batch of products to ensure a uniform and consistent quality desired by the customer.
Thus the company is now able to offer a wide range of Dyestuffs & Dyestuff Intermediates, Pigments etc of the international standard for end uses in textile, paper, jute, wool, coir, silk, leather, paints, rubber, ink Industries.