Albendazole Tablet

Albendazole Tablet tablets Albendazole For Antiparasitic COMPOSITION Each tablet contains Albendazole 150mg/300mg/600mg/2500mg. INDICATIONS Antiparasitic. For the control and treatment of livestock and poultry nematode, taeniasis and fluke disease. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION  For oral administration.  Horses and pigs: 5-10mg/kg body weight. Cattle goats and sheep: 10-15mg/kg body weight. Dogs: 25-50mg/kg body weight. Poultry: 10-20mg/kg body weight. ADVERSE REACTION Dogs with 50mg/kg dosage, twice a day, will gradually produce anorexia. Cats may occur mild drowsiness, depression, anorexia and other symptoms, when use of this product treatment of paragonism has resistance. Aplastic anemia may occur to cats and dogs. Early pregnancy using albendazole, may be accompanied by embryo toxicity and teratogenic effects. SPECIAL WARNINGS Do not use in lactating dairy cattle. Pregnancy caution: Do not use during first 45 days of pregnancy for cattle, sheep and goats. WITHDRAWAL PERIOD Cattle: 14 days. Sheep, goats and poultry: 4 days. Pigs: 7 days. Milk: 60 hours STORAGE Seal and store in room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.  SHELF LIFE  3 years.

  • Keywords : Albendazole Tablet
  • Category : Health & Medicines >> Veterinary Medicine
  • Country : China
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1000
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 0.00-0.00
  • Unit price : 5
  • Payment Type : L/C TT
  • Delivery : Within one month
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