Malaysian customers buy high-power UV lasers to drill holes in glass

Malaysian customers buy high-power UV lasers to drill holes in glass Website: Whatsapp(Wechat): 18928466502 Email: [email protected] Glass is a common industrial material in our daily life. With the increasing use and demand of glass, the application places of glass are also expanding. The diversified demand has given birth to the production and development of glass drilling technology. The glass control technology affected by external forces has quite high requirements, and the RFH ultraviolet laser provides the future for the new stage of glass perforation technology. The high-precision drilling technology of the high-power nanosecond UV laser makes Malaysian customers amazed A customer from Malaysia paid a return visit to RFH. As the first customer to purchase a UV laser for glass perforation production at RFH, he was also worried when ordering. The traditional mechanical drilling method will cause damage to the glass, reduce the yield and aesthetics, make the glass around the drilling cracks, the size of the hole is not easy, etc., which greatly reduces the production efficiency. High-power UV laser has little thermal effect, so it is perfect for glass drilling But even so, this Malaysian customer still firmly believes that RFH UV lasers will be different, and it is true. The RFH ultraviolet laser reduces the spot diameter to micron level to obtain a high-density laser with small marking aperture, fast speed and high efficiency, and can effectively reduce the range of cutting edge chipping and the occurrence of internal cracks, ensuring the glass Beauty and strength. During the drilling process, the material is quickly heated to vaporization temperature and evaporates to form a cavity, which does not cause any pollution to the surround

  • Keywords : 355 nm Ultraviolet Laser
  • Category : Electrical Equipment & Supplies >> Other Electrical & Electronics Supplies
  • Country : China
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 4411-4422
  • Unit price : 61
  • Payment Type : tt
  • Delivery : 5days
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