Nellara Food Products

Nellara is one of the leading Food products manufacturers and distributors of raw food materials of traditional and authentic Indian spices and raw materials in Dubai at Happier prices. Our mission is to provide all our customers with the most hygienic and flavourful Indian food products that are unparalleled in terms of quality and safety. Nellara food products offer you the best Indian food products retaining all their essence as made in south Indian home kitchens and along with that, As one of the well-known food product distributors in Dubai, We ensure fair trade in all our food product supplies and exports whether small or large quantities. Since We have large varieties of food products, we have placed them in certain sections for our customers to find, search and order at ease. Our featured products are one of the most demanded products which our customers around the globe absolutely love it. We have heat and serve products, breakfast products, ghee products, pickles etc as featured products which are shipped and sold globally in both wholesale and retail sections. The machines we use for production, QA, and packaging processes are well developed and tested multiple times and come with flavour lock and package protection facilities. Our products are chosen widely and demanded in the market because of their superior taste and quality. Our prime focus lies with accomplishing big orders in a timely manner to meet client satisfaction levels in a timely manner. Nellara's sales approach of ethics and integrity are the sole reasons for the confidence consumers have in us and that is why we remain one of the leading south Indian food distributors in Dubai.

  • Keywords : Food products manufacturers, best Indian food products, breakfast products
  • Category : Food & Beverage >> Food Agents
  • Country : United Arab Emirates
  • Minimum order Quantity : 3
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 12.00-90.00
  • Unit price : 5
  • Delivery : UAE
  • Countries   China   India   Indonesia   Malaysia   Pakistan   Turkey   United Kingdom   United States   All Countries